Monday, June 25, 2018

Brokerages Anticipate Ra Pharmaceuticals Inc (RARX) Will Post Earnings of -$0.53 Per Share

Brokerages predict that Ra Pharmaceuticals Inc (NASDAQ:RARX) will report earnings of ($0.53) per share for the current quarter, Zacks reports. Zero analysts have issued estimates for Ra Pharmaceuticals’ earnings. Ra Pharmaceuticals reported earnings per share of ($0.56) during the same quarter last year, which indicates a positive year over year growth rate of 5.4%. The business is expected to report its next quarterly earnings results on Wednesday, August 8th.

On average, analysts expect that Ra Pharmaceuticals will report full year earnings of ($2.26) per share for the current fiscal year, with EPS estimates ranging from ($2.30) to ($2.22). For the next fiscal year, analysts anticipate that the company will post earnings of ($2.10) per share, with EPS estimates ranging from ($2.24) to ($1.95). Zacks Investment Research’s EPS calculations are an average based on a survey of analysts that follow Ra Pharmaceuticals.

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Ra Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:RARX) last posted its earnings results on Wednesday, May 9th. The company reported ($0.61) EPS for the quarter, missing analysts’ consensus estimates of ($0.56) by ($0.05).

RARX has been the subject of a number of analyst reports. BidaskClub upgraded Ra Pharmaceuticals from a “buy” rating to a “strong-buy” rating in a research report on Saturday, June 16th. SunTrust Banks restated a “buy” rating on shares of Ra Pharmaceuticals in a research report on Thursday, March 15th. ValuEngine upgraded Ra Pharmaceuticals from a “strong sell” rating to a “sell” rating in a research report on Saturday, June 2nd. Finally, BMO Capital Markets lowered their price target on Ra Pharmaceuticals from $34.00 to $31.00 and set an “outperform” rating for the company in a research report on Thursday, March 15th. One research analyst has rated the stock with a sell rating, one has issued a hold rating, five have issued a buy rating and one has issued a strong buy rating to the company’s stock. The company currently has a consensus rating of “Buy” and a consensus price target of $19.50.

A number of institutional investors and hedge funds have recently modified their holdings of the stock. Dynamic Technology Lab Private Ltd bought a new stake in Ra Pharmaceuticals in the first quarter worth $128,000. Eventide Asset Management LLC bought a new stake in Ra Pharmaceuticals in the first quarter worth $2,060,000. Millennium Management LLC lifted its position in Ra Pharmaceuticals by 50.9% in the first quarter. Millennium Management LLC now owns 671,262 shares of the company’s stock worth $3,564,000 after buying an additional 226,565 shares during the last quarter. Cubist Systematic Strategies LLC lifted its position in shares of Ra Pharmaceuticals by 817.8% during the first quarter. Cubist Systematic Strategies LLC now owns 19,999 shares of the company’s stock worth $106,000 after purchasing an additional 17,820 shares during the last quarter. Finally, A.R.T. Advisors LLC lifted its position in shares of Ra Pharmaceuticals by 72.6% during the first quarter. A.R.T. Advisors LLC now owns 68,294 shares of the company’s stock worth $362,000 after purchasing an additional 28,724 shares during the last quarter. Institutional investors own 75.56% of the company’s stock.

NASDAQ RARX opened at $9.42 on Wednesday. Ra Pharmaceuticals has a one year low of $4.78 and a one year high of $23.38.

About Ra Pharmaceuticals

Ra Pharmaceuticals, Inc, a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company, develops therapeutics for the treatment of diseases caused by excessive or uncontrolled activation of the complement system in the United States. The company's peptide chemistry platform enables the production of synthetic macrocyclic peptides that combine the diversity and specificity of antibodies with the pharmacological properties of small molecules.

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Earnings History and Estimates for Ra Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:RARX)

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